Loans & Financing

Getting a loan for your farm is possible, though difficult. You will need a business plan, and business records.

Common Capital
- Supportive of new American farmers
- Local non-profit o
- 4 Open Square Way, Suite 407 Holyoke, MA 01040
- (413) 420-0183

Farm Credit East
- Loans to farmers. Can be for land or infrastructure.
- Low interest rates
- Difficult application process
- Enfield 240 South Road Enfield, CT 06082-4451
- 860-741-4380

USDA Beginning Farmer Loans
- o Loans to farmers. Can be for land or infrastructure.
- Low interest rates
- Difficult application process
- Easier to qualify than traditional lenders

195 Russell Street, Hadley, MA 01035

100 Northfield Dr, Floor 4, Windsor, CT 06095